Archive Mode. Call Take Back the Walls ended on 7/19/19, 5:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Terms & Conditions

Rochester Contemporary Art Center will present the work(s) as directed by the artist, as faithfully as possible and in a professional manner.

If the artwork is damaged from transportation, or deterioration is noticed during the exhibition, the Art Center will notify the artist immediately. Rochester Contemporary Art Center will not attempt to repair damaged work without consulting the artist, unless safety to staff or the public warrants such action.

Rochester Contemporary Art Center provides replacement cost insurance on damaged or stolen work. Replacement cost refers only to material costs incurred in recreating the artwork. It does not refer to market or sales value.

Rochester Contemporary Art Center reserves the right to remove any work(s) from the exhibition. Rochester Contemporary Art Center reserves the right to reject any works not properly presented or ready for exhibition. 2D works must be ready for hanging. Rochester Contemporary Art Center reserves the right to refuse any entry because of excessive size, undue complexity or special conditions of installation, or if it does not contain the same qualities as the image submitted.


This call has agreed to Terms & Conditions